Berlinale 2022 – World Cinema Fund Day, February 16

WCF Day is the World Cinema Fund’s annual public think-tank. The panels and rounds of discussion on February 16, 2022 will be focusing on the further development of funding and decolonising strategies.
The WCF Day on February 16, 2022 takes place online (in English) from 1330 to approx. 1630 in local Berlin (German) time.
The livestream can be watched on the Berlinale YouTube channel and on the WCF Facebook page.
WCF Day: Further Developing Decolonising Strategies for Film Cultures and Film Industries, Re-Thinking Funding Strategies for the Past, Present and Future of Cinema in the WCFRegions
1.30 pm Start / Presentation by Vincenzo Bugno (head of the WCF) and Isona Admetlla (WCFcoordinator)
NO U-TURN & Generation Africa
Vincenzo Bugno, head of the WCF in conversation with Ike Nnaebue (director of No U-Turn, Nigeria – Panorama 2022,); Don Edkins (producer, South Africa) Tiny Mungwe (producer, South Africa)
Decolonising Cinema Strategies / South to South
Marjorie Bendeck (International Advisor / head of CoCo, Cottbus) in conversation with Eliane Ferreira (producer, Brazil / Portugal); Bradley Liew (Producer, Malaysia / Philippines); Isabel Arrate (deputy director IDFA / managing director Bertha Fund, Netherlands)
Decolonising Distribution / Contextualising Visibility
Presentation by the Berlinale Executive Director Mariette Rissenbeek and the Head of the WCF, Vincenzo Bugno
Alaa Karkouti (marketing and creative consultancy expert for the Arab film and Entertainment Industry / CEO MAD Solutions, Egypt) in conversation with Weije Lai (producer / curator, Singapore / Canada), Steven Markowitz (Producer, South Africa); Fiorella Moretti (World Sales LUXBOX,France / Peru), Benjamin Cölle (academic / expert for Audience Design and Story Development, Germany)
Decolonising Cinema / Decolonising History / Changing the Prospective
Presentation by Lutz Nitsche, German Federal Cultural Foundation and Vincenzo Bugno, WCF
Two Talks on WCF-Supported Projects From Argentina and Kenya
Puan by Maria Alché and Benjamin Naishtat (Argentina)
Testament by Zippy Kimundu (Kenya) and Meena Nanji (USA / Kenya), Wanjugu Kimathi (protagonist, Kenya)
4.30 pm End of WCF Day
Together with the Federal Foundation for Culture and in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, the Foreign Ministry and German producers, the World Cinema Fund works to develop and support cinema in regions with a weak film infrastructure, while fostering cultural diversity in German cinemas. The World Cinema Fund supports films that could not be made without additional funding: films that stand out with an unconventional aesthetic approach, that tell powerful stories and transmit an authentic image of their cultural roots.
The World Cinema Fund supports exclusively the production and distribution of feature films and feature-length documentaries. The support is focused on the following regions and countries: Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Caucasus as well as Bangladesh, Nepal, Mongolia and Sri Lanka.