IBC 2018: Day 1 – LumaTouch Knocking It Out of the Park, Good Food, Colorful LED’s and Balls
(September 14, 2018, IBC 2018, Amsterdam, Technologist Philip Hodgetts sends his observations)
Apparently, there are a few exhibitors at this show.
The line goes out the door and halfway to the new subway station entrance.
It was this crowded yesterday too.
Will have lots more as I move through the halls, but here’s one booth that immediately caught my eye:
LumaTouch is a very fully featured NLE on an iPad or iPhone. Really well thought out design and really powerful. Even the media sourcing and handling is smart and flexible. We’d heard of it before the show but had no idea how rich and fully featured it is. We were several minutes into the demo when Greg and I started saying how impressed we were, when Terri Morgan, who was doing the demo for us said, “I’m only one third the way through!” And she was right!

While it’s just a bunch of switches with LEDs, it was one one of the most colorful displays.
Not just “Good for convention center food”, but actually good food at the Grand Cafe BBQ. There are a lot of additional food outlets this year, both inside the halls, but also outside with a wide range of food trucks.
Definitely a balsy stand! You know they have healthy lungs!
Then tonight we went to Eatcafe Kovell again and had a great meal.
We’ll be back tomorrow!