Travel: A Go-List for Techie Road Warriors – Pt. 1
(Los Angeles, CA, October 20, 2017 – by Cirina Catania, USTimes Senior Editor) I travel. Yep. All the time (almost). And since I’m a filmmaker and often end up in remote areas of the world, my go-lists have to be comprehensive. In the list that follows, which does not include filming equipment, I’ve included supply items that work for me (when going to a place that has electricity and internet).
Part two of this series will talk about what to take when traveling to isolated areas and in extreme conditions. For now, luxuriate in the fact that, in this scenario, you will have a place to work and a nice bed to sleep in when you get to the other end.
Here are some tips that will help you get organized in advance. Equipment lists will follow as well. Please share this if you wish, and, of course, contact me with questions and suggestions. Happy traveling!

- project files in separate SSD Drives (label them “worker” and note that they can be copied OVER the old version of the folder when you return)
- contact lists up to date and synched
- apps in Dropbox (license keys)
- passwords synched into 1Password or similar
- passwords file (graphic version) in Dropbox folders just in case
- synch between desktop and laptop: Photoshop, Lightroom, FCP X, Premiere, Final Draft, Keynote/Pages/Numbers OR PPT/Word/Excel
- all necessary files in Dropbox or similar cloud-based application extra drive for new files
- prep Lumberjack System events
- update all apps and plug-ins
- file a travel plan with family/friends
- iPad?
- laptop?
- Bose noise-canceling headphones
- wireless keyboard, mouse
- waterproof/dustproof case for hard drives
- extra SD and SSD cards
- journal / pens / yellow highlighter / removable labels / sharpies / gaffers tape
- business card holder (for conventions) and/or update business card app on phone
- organize portable hot spot
- OWC dock
- power strip
- travel converters
- power bars and water container for airplane
- copy of passport, visa, shot lists and driver’s license in the cloud and hard copy to travel with you
- call banks and file travel plan
- luggage scale
- list of vendors in case of emergencies
- lists of medical emergency numbers
- list of family and key friends
- extra cash in local currency
- extra credit card for emergencies only
- travel insurance in the foreign country for medical and with the airline for flight insurance
- local “fixer” if possible
- one camera on your shoulder with cards and batteries in case the equipment cases get lost or stolen
- current press passes with photos (helps to get through security)
- TSA Pre in order
- clear off all extraneous files from your laptop or other devices (to make space and for security reasons)
- if possible, make an extra copy of necessary files and apps on a small SSD drive, in case something happens to your laptop
Next: Traveling to extreme environments and/or remote locations.