Cirina Catania
Opinion: Exarchia, Anarchy and a Better World
Thought for the day: The Exarchia neighborhood in Athens, Greece is filled with secret alleyways, enticing walkways, and narrow, cobble-stoned streets. I took this picture a few minutes before dawn on an early morning exploration. Graffiti, opinion, Vespas and soft light leading to a sign reading, “Ennoia Publications.” Communication by art, by word and by movement. The human condition of its citizens both celebrated and condemned in a few short meters. Opinions on all sides welcome here. Discourse reigns and reminds us that we can begin to co-exist if we can voice our desires constructively. Do you have opinions? Are you able to share them without condemning those who disagree? Perhaps that might be a good way to start building your world, the world within which you may happily co-exist with others.